
07 enero 2010

EE. UU. invertirá 1.000 millones $ (700 mill. €) para combatir la deforestación

visto en nature.org

The Nature Conservancy applauds announcement from US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK — December 16, 2009 —Dr. Andrew Deutz, Director of International Government Relations for The Nature Conservancy, issued the following statement in response to today’s announcement by the US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack that the United States government will spend $1 billion over three years for building capacity from reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
"We welcome the announcement by Secretary Vilsack of $1 billion in new funding to combat deforestation over three years, as well as the commitments of Norway, Australia, France, Japan and the UK totaling $3.5 billion. This is what’s needed to break the logjam of the REDD negotiations here in Copenhagen and spark the additional funding needed to address the global challenge of deforestation.
"These types of announcements are exactly what’s needed to build trust for an ambitious outcome by the end of the week. This $1 billion pledge from the United States should be an appetizer and the US should also serve up the main course for further mitigation and adaptation funding. We hope that other developed country leaders will also come to the enlarged table.
"The Nature Conservancy hopes this announcement generates further momentum on financing and targets for REDD, as well as measures to combat and adapt to climate change.
"The recent Interim Working Group report on interim REDD finance called for 15-25 billion Euros from now until 2015 in order to reduce deforestation by 25% by 2015."

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