
17 mayo 2011

Trabajo ofertado por la FAO: Experto en manejo de incendios

Under the general supervision of the FAO Representative in Tanzania, FOMR Team Leader, the direct supervision of the Chief Technical Adviser, the technical supervision of the Forest Fire officer (FOMR) and the FAO Finland Forestry Programme team, and in close collaboration with national consultants and counterparts, the consultant will:

• finalize a detailed workplan in relation to the fire management activities, in collaboration with governmental officials and taking into account coordination and synergies with other related initiatives (ie. GIZ, AMESD, USFS/USAID, Clinton Fund, etc.);

• actively liaise and coordinate with counterparts and stakeholders involved in supporting fire management in Tanzania (public institutions,international organizations, NGOs, private sector, communities, etc) through all the implementation;

• support the Forestry and Beekeeping Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in Tanzania (FBD) in planning fire management activities in Tanzania, including through a possible multi-stakeholder technical workshop to define a road map and coordinate all different interventions;

• ensure coordination and an integrated approach between all fire management activities within the project, as well as with other components of the FAO Finland Forestry Programme. Specifically, explore linkages with NAFORMA and REDD+;

• ensure all parties are continually informed of workplan, all ongoing relevant activities and developments; and

• Provide guidance, follow up and supervision to the implementation of activities, to counterparts at FBD and FAO as well as to the national consultants, specifically in the following topics:

Discuss with Government counterparts and other stakeholders the current situation of communication and awareness on wildfires,latest developments and emerging needs for 2011 campaign (starting in July), and adjust planned activities as needed so as to maximize synergies and impact. Support FBD with the organization of a multistakeholder coordination meeting before 2011 fire communication campaign.
Community based fire management (CBFiM) (to be coordinated with related initiatives)
Carry out an assessment among different stakeholders of the need, scope, feasibility, content and format of the guide to support CBFiM, taking also into account other initiatives nationally and regionally (ie. Trilateral Cooperation Fund). Adjust if needed the proposed process and key activities accordingly. Support the elaboration of the study on indigenous knowledge, practices and norms on vegetation fires in different countries of the region, bringing up international literature and research focusing on countries of the region. Actively support and carry out the CBFiM activities with regional/international scope, such as validation workshops. Support the elaboration and finalization of the guide.
Fire information system (activities to be confirmed upon coordination with other fire interventions) Support elaboration of the “Tanzanian wild fire baseline information”, ensuring that all sources of information are considered, specifically using and assessing information from global monitoring systems such as Global Fire Information Management System (GFIMS) and others. Support the identification and prioritization of additional studies and research needed to complete the baseline information on wildfires. Identify potential partner institutions/actors to carry out those additional needs. Initiate the preliminary
scheme of the “Forest Fire information system”, ensuring that the baseline information is sound base and provide all data needs.
Fire policy and institutional framework (activities to be confirmed upon coordination with other fire interventions) Support the establishment of a national multistakeholder consultation working group on wildfires as part of the national forest programme process. Support the revision of fire policy documents. Facilitate multistakeholder workshops as neutral forum for the evaluation and revision of (i) national forest fire policy; (ii) CBFiM strategy; (iii) legal aspects related to fires; and (iv) forest fire institutional framework.

• Discuss with national authorities major recommendations and proposals for follow up and implementation of a second phase; and

• Throughout the consultancy undertake capacity building activities as needed, ensure involvement of national counterparts/FBD’s staff and strengthen institutional memory, so as to facilitate maximum ownership and planning of future utilization and follow up.

MSc in natural resources management or related sector.
More than 10 years of experience in forest fire management with emphasis on fire information systems and CBFiM. Working knowledge of fire information systems.
Experience in team management and field project implementation, particularly in southern and eastern Africa.
International experience in organising and running workshops and training sessions in all aspects of forest fire management.
Good communication and interpersonal skills.
A very good command of English, both written and spoken, is required. Swahili will be considered an asset.
Ability to allocate the required time on the task meaning five months WAE. Reporting procedure for accounting for time spent on project work to be agreed with CTA after recruitment.

more information: here

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