We have therefore sought to clarify some of the issues contained in the report (see On the Ground 2011 – The Controversy of Greenpeace (Annexes)) to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive and accurate picture of the context in which certification takes place. We have also included further information on some aspects where we clearly have a different outlook than Greenpeace about the solutions to the problems of forest certification. [xii]
PEFC believes that collaboration beats confrontation – every time. We take all criticism regarding our organization very seriously and endeavour to cooperate fully with those who seek to understand or enquire about our work and achievements. Any form of dialogue between stakeholders, however, must be held in an open, transparent and truthful manner, and be based on the best intentions in order to be truly constructive and bear fruit.
We sincerely hope that, notwithstanding the criticism of those who do not share the same perspective, we can engage in constructive, forward-looking dialogues for the benefit of forests and people.
noticias sobre: gestión forestal, política forestal, incendios forestales, ingeniería forestal, restauración forestal, aprovechamientos forestales, biomasa, cambio climático, espacios naturales, áreas y espacios protegidos, especies, enfermedades y plagas forestales, protección, conservación, desarrollo, tecnología forestal, educación, energía, recursos hídricos, hidrología forestal
15 agosto 2011
PEFC responde a las críticas vertidas por Greenpeace y FSC sobre su gestión
Extracto del artículo que se puede ver por completo aquí
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