
16 febrero 2012

15th European Forum on Urban Forestry Conference

Attend the 15th European Forum on Urban Forestry Conference!
Leipzig, Germany, May 8 – 12, 2012

Urban Forests – Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Maintenance

Conference aim

The conference will focus on “Urban Forests – Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Maintenance”, a topic that will highlight the crucial role played by urban forests in delivering essential ecosystem services for people in urban landscapes, especially in relation to the problem of how to maintain new large-scale urban forests and urban green spaces with declining public sector budgets. This is a problem that is more and more abundant in cities with industries and societies in transformation.

Conference topics

0. Ecosystem services and sustainable maintenance
1. Urban forestry and green space management under societal and climate change conditions (includes forests, parks, gardens, and street trees)
2. Management of old urban forests, parks and cemeteries
3. Planting new forests in urban areas
4. New strategies for large scale urban green space management
5. Revitalization of ecosystem services on floodplains, derelict land and traffic corridors, military areas, etc.
6. Response strategies to new demands of providing healthy living and working conditions
7. Revitalization and management of urban waterways to improve urban forest health

more information: http://www.ufz.de/efuf2012/

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