
04 mayo 2012

The future potential of European Mountain forests: challenges and solutions between Green Economy and Climate Change

28th June 2012
FAO Headquarters, Rome (Italy)

The MANFRED Partnership is glad to announce that the MANFRED Final Conference will be held on 28th June 2012, on the premises of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome (Italy).

The conference, titled “The future potential of European Mountain forests: challenges and solutions between Green Economy and Climate Change”, will be hosted and facilitated by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat that have its central hub in FAO and in particular in the Forestry Department.

In the context of the event, the work carried out in the MANFRED framework at the Alpine scale will be enshrined in the broader growing debate on the future of the European mountain forests as linked to the challenges of climate change and the opportunity of a Green Economy. The situation of European mountain forests and the forest sector will be also analyzed and discussed in line with the most recent approaches undertaken at the international level with regard to forests and sustainable forest management issues.

Keep following us to get up-to-date on the Programme and all the relevant information on the MANFRED Final Conference!

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